Women of JICF
JICF is blessed to have a very active and diverse women’s group who are often the backbone of the many outreach events and special programs and services that are such a vital part of our ministry. In addition to taking care of all the hospitality needs of the church, they help with administration by taking on special projects, like their current ones of developing a church directory and a system for following up with visitors. As women join Jesus in the City Fellowship, they are immediately invited into this group, and find other women who love and want to serve Jesus, are friends to share and pray with, and have a lot of fun!
Please join us!
Jesus in the City Fellowship
3249 30th Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55406
Every 2nd Tuesday of the month
6:30-8:30 PM
For more details, call Krissie Hirt at 612.227.1946 or send an email to krissieetc@gmail.com.